使用教材:《城市规划原理(第四版)》同济大学 吴志强,李德华主编. 北京:中国建筑工业出版社,2010.
Urban Planning (54 class hours)
Urban Planning is technical and political process concerned with the use of land and design of the urban environment. It concerns itself with research and analysis, strategic thinking, architecture, urban design, public consultation, policy recommendation, implementation and management. The aim of this course is to help student get a basic overview of the urban planning principles and skills.
Urban Planning (54 class hours) including the origin and development of city, the typology and making process of plans, origin and evolution of planning theories, urbanization, urban master layout, land classification and planning, planning and design of residential communities, transportation and network system, urban public space design, regeneration and heritage conservation, infrastructure systems.
课程名:城市规划 |
课时分配 |
大约第几周完成 (教师可调整) |
36学时 |
54学时 |
72学时 |
第一章:城市的起源与发展 |
4 |
1 |
第二章:城市规划的内容与编制 |
6 |
3 |
第三章:北京城市总体规划 |
4 |
4.5 |
第四章:城市规划的理论与思潮 |
4 |
6 |
第五章:新型城镇化背景下的中国城镇化道路 |
2 |
6.5 |
第六章:城市总体布局 |
4 |
8 |
第七章:城市用地规划 |
6 |
10 |
第八章:居住区规划 |
4 |
11 |
第九章:城市对内交通规划 |
2 |
12 |
第十章:城市对外交通规划 |
2 |
12.5 |
第十一章:城市公共空间设计与景观规划 |
4 |
14 |
第十二章:城市历史文化保护规划 |
2 |
14.5 |
第十三章:旧城更新与城市再生 |
2 |
15 |
第十四章:城市工程系统规划 |
2 |
16 |
第十五章:城市规划方案分析实训 |
4 |
17 |
复习、答疑 |
2 |
18 |
合计 |
54 |