
2000年中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院博士毕业,获理学博士学位。2002年-2003年,在University of Saskatchewan做博士后工作,2006年-2007年,在University of Manitoba做访问学者。2000年7月起在北京交通大学任教,历任讲师、副教授、教授、博导;2009年-2010年任北京交通大学理学院挂职副院长,2011年11月至2019年7月任北京交通大学理学院数学系副主任。2019年8月起,调入9659澳门新葡萄娱乐场app任教授(三级岗),2019年10月起,任9659澳门新葡萄娱乐场app副院长。
主要从事运筹与管理科学,特别是随机服务与运作管理、排队经济学、可靠性理论、供应链优化与管理等方面的研究与教学工作。作为课题负责人承担完成了国家自然科学基金面上项目、青年项目、教育部新世纪人才计划项目等10余项,出版学术专著一部,发表学术论文100余篇,在管理科学与运筹学领域,特别是随机服务运作和管理方向,对基于博弈论的排队经济学、重试排队系统的可靠性分析、认知无线电系统的优化控制、供应链优化管理等方面做了系统深入地研究。在以上领域的研究成果发表在《Operations Research》(已接受)、《Production and Operations Management》等著名期刊上,共计有130余篇研究论文,其中包括90余篇SCI检索论文(含录用)及18篇SSCI检索论文。论文的SCI引用次数为660次,SCI严格他引469次,单篇论文最高SCI引用88次;论文的Google Scholar引用次数总计1843次,近五年(即2014年以来)Google Scholar引用1257次。2006年出版专著1部(《排队博弈论基础》,科学出版社,独著)。
一、随机运筹与优化:给出重试排队服务系统的可靠性分析,系统地研究了有重试顾客行为的随机服务系统的可靠性问题,得到了完整的可靠性指标,为维修服务管理和运营服务质量评估分析提供了理论基础。代表作发表在国际著名期刊如Operations Research, Queueing Systems上,代表作单篇引用次数居Retrial Queues研究领域前茅(Google引用206次,2019年9月数据)。在此方向发表的30多篇学术论文被Springer出版的两本专著及CRC (Taylor & Francis Group)出版的一本专著收录并被正面评述,SCI总引用超过300次,成果引发了大批后续研究,有力促进了这一研究方向的发展。
二、排队经济学理论:率先解决了服务系统策略型顾客“止步-重试”决策下的Nash均衡解的存在问题。解决了具有顾客balking行为的优先权服务定价问题,代表性成果发表在管理科学领域著名期刊Production and Operations Management及NRL/EJOR/JORS/AOR/Omega等国际OR/OM主流刊物上,形成了完整的重试/休假排队博弈理论。研究结果得到国际同行的认可,15篇研究论文被收录在国际著名运筹专家Refael Hassin教授2016年的专著“Rational Queueing”中,并做了详细正面评论。
三、认知无线通信资源优化管理:给出认知无线电通信网络中次级用户随机接入系统入队策略的Nash均衡解和社会最优解,提出基于非合作博弈的准入控制策略和服务定价方法,解决了随机接入协议下认知无线电系统的频谱最优分配管理、接入服务定价问题。近年来其相关系列成果发表在IEEETransactions onVehicularTechnology,IEEE Transactions onCognitive CommunicationNetworking, Computer Communications等著名期刊上,开辟了利用可修重试排队博弈分析来解决认知无线电频谱资源分配和服务定价的途径。
2000年7月 毕业于中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院应用数学所,理学博士
2000/07~2019/07: 在北京交通大学理学院数学系工作
2000/07~2002/12: 北方交通大学理学院数学系讲师
2002/12~2008/12: 北京交通大学理学院数学系副教授
2002/09~2003/09: 加拿大Saskatchewan大学数学与统计系,博士后
2004/05~2007/05: 北京交通大学校特聘科研4岗教授
2006/09~2007/07: 加拿大Manitoba大学电机工程系,访问学者(Research Associate)
2008/12~2019/07: 北京交通大学理学院数学系教授、博士生导师
2009/05~2010/04: 理学院挂职副院长,
2011/11~2019/07: 数学系党支部书记、副系主任
2016/12~2019/07: 北京交通大学教授三级岗
2019/08~至今: 9659澳门新葡萄娱乐场app教授
2019/10~至今: 9659澳门新葡萄娱乐场app副院长
1.国家自然科学基金数学天元青年基金项目:重试排队系统的可靠性分析(No. 10526004);2006年1月—2006年12月(主持)
3.国家自然科学基金面上基金项目:相位型半马氏信道模型及其在无线通信中的应用,(No. 10871020);2009年1月—2011年12月(主持)
4.国家自然科学基金国际(地区)合作与交流项目:第五届排队论及网络应用国际会议(No. 11010301053),2010年7月—2010年12月(主持)
9.国家自然科学基金“重大”基金项目:城市物流管理(No. 71390334)2014.01—2018.12.(参加)
7.《International Journal of Operations Research》Associate Editor (2012- )
8.《International Journal of Smart Grid and Green Communications》Editor(2013- )
1.2010年7月王金亭教授以大会主席身份在北京交通大学组织召开“第五届排队论及网络应用国际会议”,代表来自美国、加拿大、英国、法国、西班牙等14个国家和地区,规模为历届QTNA系列会议之最大。会议得到国家自然科学基金委的大力支持,论文集的出版得到国际著名学术组织ACM的支持并被EI、ACM数据库收录,国际SCI源刊物Journal of Industrial and Management Optimizations(JIMO)遴选优秀的论文作为特刊于2011年分两期出版发表。
5.作为大会主席,2018年4月21日在北京交通大学组织召开了2018年可靠性与维修性理论国际研讨会(International Symposium on Reliability & Maintenance2018)。来自清华大学、中国科学院大学、北京航空航天大学、北京理工大学、北京交通大学、南京理工大学、燕山大学等50余位学者和研究生参加本次会议。
培养博硕研究生共40余名,其中已毕业博士研究生8名,毕业硕士研究生37名,出站博士后2名。以上毕业生分别在高等院校、银行金融、国家机关、国企外企等单位工作。长期与美国、加拿大、欧洲多所著名高校的多位同行学者保持良好国际合作,并通过多种渠道联合培养硕博研究生。近五年来已有六名硕博研究生经国家留学基金委公派赴美国乔治城大学、北卡罗来纳州州立大学、加拿大西蒙佛雷泽大学、法国Université de Technologie de Troyes等大学攻读博士学位及联合培养。
1.Wang Jinting, Zhongbin Wang, Yunan Liu. Reducing delay in retrial queues by simultaneously differentiating service and retrial rates.Operations Research,Article in press,(UTD) (SCI-90)
2.Wang Jinting, Shiliang Cui, Zhongbin Wang. Equilibrium strategies in M/M/1 queues with priorities.Production and Operations Management,Volume 28, issue 1: 43-62, 2019.(UTD) (SCI-89)
3.Wang Jinting, Yu Zhang, George Zhang. Strategic joining in an M/M/K queue with asynchronous and synchronous multiple vacations.Journal of the Operational Research Society, Published online, 2019 (SCI-88)
4.Wang Zhongbin,Jinting Wang,Pre-commitment or post-payment: which worsens a line-sitting firm's revenue?Operations Research Letters, Volume 47, issue 5: 447-451, 2019.(SCI-87)
5.Li Kaili,Jinting Wang,Optimal joining strategies in cognitive radio networks under primary user emulation attacks.IEEE Access,Article in press, 20191125 (SCI-86)
6.Ke Sun,Jinting Wang, Equilibrium joining strategies in the single-server constant retrial queues with Bernoulli vacations.RAIRO - Operations Research, Article in press, 2019 (SCI-85)
7.Wang Jinting, Nan Xie, Nan Yang. Reliability analysis of a two-dissimilar-unit warm standby repairable system with priority in use.Communications in Statistics – Theory and MethodsArticle in press, June, 2019 (SCI-84)
8.Zhang Xuelu,Jinting Wang. Optimal Inventory Threshold for a Dynamic Service Make-to-Stock System with Strategic Customers,Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry, 35(4): 1103-1123, July 2019 (SCI-83)
9.Chien Yu-Hung, George Zhang,Jinting Wang. A note on optimizing practical product warranty via linear pricing,Quality Technology and Quantitative Management,Article in press, 2019. (SCI-82)
10.Wang Zhongbin,Jinting Wang, Yang Zhang,Dusit Niyato. Strategic access and pricing in Internet of Things (IoT) service with energy harvesting.IEEE Access,Volume 7, 34655-34674. 2019 (SCI-81)
11.Wang Zhongbin,Jinting Wang.Information heterogeneity in a retrial queue: throughput and social welfare maximization.Queueing Systems, 92(1/2): 131-172, June2019 (SCI-80)
12.Gao Shan,Jinting Wang. Stochastic analysis of a preemptive retrial queue with orbital search and multiple vacations.RAIRO - Operations Research,Article in press,2019 (SCI-79)
13.Wang Jinting, Sheng Zhu, Wei Wayne Li.Strategic behavior of cognitive radio networks with different information.IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology,68(5): 4810-4823, May2019 (SCI-78)
14.Zhang Yu,Jinting Wang, Wei Wayne Li. Optimal pricing strategies in cognitive radio networks with heterogeneous secondary users and retrials.IEEE Access,Volume 7, 30937-30950, 2019 (SCI-77)
15.Hao Yaqian,Jinting Wang, Zhongbin Wang, Mingyu Yang, Equilibrium joining strategies in the M/M/1 queues with setup time under N-policy,Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering,28(2): 141-153, April 2019. (SCI-76)
16.Sun Ke,Jinting Wang, Equilibrium joining strategies in the single server queues with negative customers,International Journal of Computer Mathematics,Volume 96, issue 6: 1169-1191,2019. (SCI-75)
17.Gao Shan,Jinting Wang, Do Tien Van, Analysis of a discrete-time repairable queue with disasters and working breakdowns,RAIRO - Operations Research,53(4): 1197-1216, 2019. (SCI-74)
18.Wang Jinting, George Zhang, Strategic Joining in an M/M/1 Queue with Risk-sensitive Customers,Journal of the Operational Research Society,69(8), 1197-1214, 2018. (SCI-73)
19.Zhu Sheng,Jinting Wang,Should primary users be given preemptive priorities in cognitive radio networks?Computer Communications,Vol.132, 65-73. Nov. 2018. (SCI-72)
20.Gao Shan, Bin Liu,Jinting Wang. On a retrial queue with abandoned customers and multi-optional vacations,International Journal of Computer Mathematics: Computer Systems Theory,Article in press. September 2018.
21.Zhu Sheng,Jinting Wang,Wei Wayne Li,Optimal Service Rate in Cognitive Radio Networks with Different Queue Length Information.IEEE Access,Volume 6: 51577-51586. August 2018.(SCI-71)
22.Zhu Sheng,Jinting Wang, Strategic behavior and optimal strategies in an M/G/1 queue with Bernoulli vacation.Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization,14(4): 1297-1322, Oct. 2018. (SCI-70)
23.Zhu Sheng,Jinting Wang, Equilibrium joining strategies in the Mn/G/1 queue with server breakdowns and repairs,Operational Research: an International Journal,Article in press, 2018. (SCI-69)
24.Wang Ruopeng,Jinting Wang, Procurement strategies with quantity-oriented reference point and loss aversion.Omega: The International Journal of Management Science, Volume 80, 1-11, Oct. 2018 (SCI-68)
25.Wang Ruopeng,Jinting Wangand Chang Sun, Optimal pricing and inventory management for a loss-averse firm when facing strategic customers.Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization,14(4): 1521-1544, Oct. 2018. (SCI-67)
26.Chang Jingwei,Jinting Wang, Unreliable M/M/1/1 retrial queues with setup time,Quality Technology and Quantitative Management,15(5): 589-601, 2018. (SCI-66)
27.Wang Fang,Jinting Wang, George Zhang, Strategic behavior and social optimization in a double-ended queue with gated policy,Computers & Industrial Engineering, volume 114, pp. 264-273, December 2017 (SCI-65)
28.Zhang Yu,Jinting Wang, Equilibrium pricing in an M/G/1 retrial queue with reserved idle time and setup time,Applied Mathematical Modelling, 49: 514-530, 2017. (SCI-64)
29.Zhang Xuelu,Jinting Wang, Qing Ma, Optimal design for a retrial queueing system with state-dependent service rate,Journal of Systems Science & Complexity,30(4): 883--900. August 2017. (SCI-63)
30.Wang Jinting, Xuelu Zhang, Ping Huang, Strategic behavior and social optimization in the constant retrial queue with N-policy,European Journal of Operational Research,256(3): 841-849. 2017 (SCI-62)
31.Jie Liu,Jinting Wang, Strategic joining rules in a single server Markovian queue with Bernoulli vacation,Operational Research: An International Journal,2017 (SCI-61)
32.Wang Jinting, Xuelu Zhang, Optimal pricing in a service-inventory system with delay-sensitive customers and lost sales.International Journal of Production Research,55(22): 6883-6902. 2017. (SCI-60)
33.Wang Jinting, Yu Zhang, Wei Wayne Li, Strategic joining and optimal pricing in the cognitive radio system with delay-sensitive secondary users.IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking,3(3): 298-312, September, 2017
34.Wang Jinting, Fang Wang, Wei Wayne Li, Strategic behavior and admission control of cognitive radio systems with imperfect sensing,Computer Communications,Volume 113, pp. 53-61, November 2017. (SCI-59)
35.Wang Jinting,Fang Wang, Wei Wayne Li, Strategic spectrum occupancy for secondary users in cognitive radio networks with retrials,Naval Research Logistics,64(7): 599-609, 2017 (SCI-58)
36.Wang Jinting, Zhuang Zhou, Hao Peng, Flexible decision models for a two-dimensional warranty policy with periodic preventive maintenance,Reliability Engineering and System Safety,162(6):14-27. 2017 (SCI-57)
37.Zhang Yu,Jinting Wang, Fang Wang, Equilibrium pricing strategies in retrial queueing systems with complementary service,Applied Mathematical Modelling,40: 5775–5792, 2016 (SCI-56)
38.Wang Jinting, Shan Gaon, Tien Van Do, Performance analysis of a two-node computing cluster,Computers & Industrial Engineering,Volume: 93 Pages: 227-235. MAR 2016 (SCI-55)
39.Wang Jinting, Feng Zhang. Monopoly pricing in a retrial queue with delayed vacations for local area network applications,IMA Journal of Management Mathematics, Volume: 27 Issue: 2 Pages: 315-334. APR 2016 (SCI-54)
40.Gao Shan,Jinting Wang. Equilibrium balking strategies in the observable Geo/Geo/1 queue with delayed multiple vacations.RAIRO - Operations Research, Volume: 50 Issue: 1 Pages: 119-129 Published: JAN-MAR 2016 (SCI-53)
41.Wang Jinting,Wei Wayne Li. Non-Cooperative and Cooperative Joining Strategies in Cognitive Radio Networks with Random Access.IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology,Volume: 65, Issue: 7, Pages: 5624-5636, 2016. (SCI-52)
42.Almási, Béla;Tamás Bérczes,Attila Kuki,János Sztrik,Jinting Wang. Performance modeling of finite-source cognitive radio networks.Acta Cybernet.22(2016), no. 3, 617--631
43.Wang Fang,Jinting Wang,Wei Wayne Li, Game-theoretic analysis of opportunistic spectrum sharing with imperfect sensing,EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking2016 (SCI-51)
44.Li Kaili,Jinting Wang, Yanjia Ren, Jingwei Chang. Equilibrium joining strategies in M/M/1 queues with working vacations and vacation interruptions.RAIRO - Operations Research, 50 (3):451-471, 2016 (SCI-50)
45.Do, T.V., D. Papp, R. Chakka,Jinting Wang,JánosSztrik. A closed-form solution for a two-server heterogeneous retrial queue with threshold policy,Sādhanā,41(8): 817-823. August 2016 (SCI-49)
46.Gao Shan,Jinting Wang,Tien Van Do. A repairable retrial queue under Bernoulli schedule and general retrial policy.Annals of Operations Research. 247(1): 169-192, 2016. (SCI-48)
47.DoTien Van,Nam H.Do,AdamHorvath,Jinting Wang. Modelling opportunistic spectrum renting in mobile cellular networks.Journal of Network and Computer Applications,52: 129-138, 2015. (SCI-47)
48.Luo Zhenwei,Jinting Wang, Wanting Chen. A risk-averse Newsvendor model with limited capacity and outsourcing under the CVaR criterion,Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering, Volume 24,Issue 1, 49-67. March 2015 (SCI-46)
49.Luo Zhenwei,Jinting Wang. The optimal price discount, order quantity and minimum quantity in Newsvendor model with group purchase,Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization,Volume 11, No. 1, pp. 1-11, Jan. 2015 (SCI-45)
50.Zhang Xuelu,Jinting Wang, Tien Van Do. Threshold properties of the M/M/1 queue underT-policy with applications,Applied Mathematics and Computation,Volume 261: 284–301, 2015 (SCI-44)
51.Gao Shan,Jinting Wang, On a discrete-time GIX/Geo/1/N-GqueuewithrandomizedworkingvacationsandatmostJvacations,Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization,11(3): 779--806, 2015. (SCI-43)
52.Wang Fang,Jinting Wang, Feng Zhang,Strategic behavior in the single-server constant retrial queue with individual removal,Quality Technology and Quantitative Management,Vol. 12, No. 3, pp. 323-340, 2015 (SCI-42)
53.Zhang Nan,Jinting Wang, Reliability analysis of unrepairable system with k-out-of-m:G subsystems subject suspended animation.Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation,43(8): 1900-1912, Sep. 2014 (SCI-41)
54.Li Xiangyu,Jinting Wang, Feng Zhang.New results on equilibrium balking strategies in thesingle-serverqueuewithbreakdownsandrepairs,Applied Mathematics and Computation,vol. 241, 380-388, August 2014. (SCI-40)
55.Gao Shan,Jinting Wang, Performance and reliability analysis of an M/G/1-G retrial queue with orbital search and non-persistent customers,European Journal of Operational Research, 236(2): 561-572, 2014. (SCI-39)
56.Wang Fang,Jinting Wang, Feng Zhang, Equilibrium customer strategies in the Geo/Geo/1 queues with single working vacation,Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, vol. 2014, Article ID 309489, 9 pages. March 23, 2014 (SCI-38)
57.Zhang Zhengwu,Jinting Wang, Feng Zhang, Equilibrium customer strategies in the single-server constant retrial queue with breakdowns and repairs,Mathematical Problems in Engineering,vol. 2014, Article ID 379572, 14 pages, 2014 (SCI-37)
58.Yang Tengteng,Jinting Wang, Feng Zhang. Equilibrium balking strategies in the Geo/Geo/1 queues with server breakdowns and repairs,Quality Technology and Quantitative Management,Volume 11, number 3, 231-243. September 2014 (SCI-36)
59.Gao Shan,Jinting Wangand Wei Wayne Li. An M/G/1 retrial queue with general retrial times, working vacations and vacation interruption,Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research(APJOR),31(2), 1440006 (25 pages), 2014 (SCI-35).
60.Liu Bin,Jinting Wangand Yiqiang Zhao, Tail Asymptotics of the Waiting Time and the Busy Period for the M/G/1/K Queues with Subexponential Service Times,Queueing Systems,76(1): 1-19, 2014. (SCI-34)
61.Wang Jinting, Nan Wang, A.S. Alfa. Discrete-time GI/G/1 retrial queues with time-controlled vacation policies,Acta Mathematica Applicatae Sinica - English Series,29(4), 689-704, October 2013 (SCI-33)
62.Li Le,Jinting Wang,Feng Zhang. Equilibrium customer strategies in Markovian queues with partial breakdowns,Computers & Industrial Engineering,66(4), December 2013, 751-757. (SCI-32).
63.Wang Jinting, Feng Zhang, Strategic joining in M/M/1 retrial queues,European Journal of Operational Research,Vol. 230, Issue1, 76-87, 1 Oct. 2013 (SCI-31)
64.Zhang Feng,Jinting Wang, Bin Liu, Equilibrium balking strategies in Markovian queues with working vacations,Applied Mathematical Modelling, vol.37, issues 16/17, 8264-8282, 1 September, 2013. (SCI-30)
65.Gao Shan,Jinting Wang, Discrete-time GeoX/G/1 retrial queue with general retrial times, working vacations and vacation interruption,Quality Technology and Quantitative Management,10(4): 493-510, 2013 (SCI-29)
66.Gao Shan,Jinting Wang, Deran Zhang, Discrete-time GIX/Geo/1/N queue with negative customers and multiple working vacations,Journal of the Korean Statistical Society,42(4), 515-528, December 2013 (SCI-28)
67.Zhang Feng,Jinting Wang, Bin Liu,Equilibrium Joining Probabilities in Observable Queues with General Service and Setup Times,Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization,vol.9, no. 4, pp.901-917, 2013 (SCI-27)
68.Wang Jinting, Yunbo Huang and Tien Van Do. A single-server discrete-time queue with correlated positive and negative customer arrivals,Applied Mathematical Modelling, vol.37, no. 9, pp.6212-6224, 2013. (SCI-26)
69.Zhang Feng,Jinting Wang, Performance analysis of the retrial queues with finite number of sources and service interruptions,Journal of the Korean Statistical Society,42(1): 117-131, 2013 (SCI-25)
70.Zhang Zhao, Wei Wayne Li andJinting Wang,An analytic model for Cluster-based wireless sensor networks,INFOR,51(4): 225-240, 2013. (SCI-24)
71.Anbazhagan N.,Jinting Wang, and D. Gomathi, Base stock policy with retrial demands,Applied Mathematical Modelling,Volume 37, 4464-4473, 2013 (SCI-23)
72.Wang Jinting, Discrete-time Geo/G/1 retrial queues with general retrial time and Bernoulli vacation,Journal of Systems Science and Complexity, 25: 504–513, 2012. (SCI-22)
73.Zhang Feng,Jinting Wang, Bin Liu, On the optimal and equilibrium retrial rates in an unreliable retrial queue with vacations,Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, Volume 8, Number 4: 861-875, 2012. (SCI-21)
74.Li Jungang,Jinting Wang, Fuzzy set-valued stochastic Lebesgue integral,Fuzzy Sets and Systems,200: 48-64, 2012. (SCI-20)
75.Wang Jinting, Yunbo Huang and Zhangmin Dai. A discrete-time on-off source queueing system with negative customers,Computers & Industrial Engineering, 61(4):1226-1232, 2011. (SCI-19)
76.Wang Jinting, Feng Zhang. Equilibrium analysis of the observable queues with balking and delayed repairs,Applied Mathematics and Computation, 218(6), 2716-2729, 2011. (SCI-18)
77.Liu Bin,Jinting Wangand Yiqiang Zhao, On the Conditional Probability of a Successful Retrial in Retrial Queues,INFOR,49(3), 171-182, 2011. (SCI-17)
78.Wang Jinting, Linfei Zhao, Feng Zhang. Analysis of the finite source retrial queues with server breakdowns and repairs,Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization,7(3), 655-676, 2011. (SCI-16)
79.Wang Jinting, Jiang-hua Li. Analysis of the M[X]/G/1 queues with second multi-optional service and unreliable server,Acta Mathematica Applicatae Sinica – English Series,26(3): 353-368, 2010. (SCI-15)
80.Wang Jinting,Pengfeng Zhou. A Batch Arrival Retrial Queue with Starting Failures, Feedback and Admission Control,Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering, 19(3): 306-320, 2010. (SCI-14)
81.Wang Jinting,Jiang-hua Li. A single-server retrial queue with general retrial times and two-phase service,Journal of Systems Science & Complexity, 22 (2), 291-302, 2009. (SCI-13)
82.Wang Jinting,Peng Zhang.A discrete-time retrial queue with negative customers and unreliable server,Computers & Industrial Engineering,volume 56, issue 4, pp.1216-1222, 2009(SCI-12)
83.Wang Jintingand Peng Zhang. A single-server discrete-time retrial G-queue with server breakdowns and repairs,Acta Mathematica Applicatae Sinica– English Series, 25(4): 675-684, 2009.(SCI-11).
84.Wang Jinting.On the single server retrial queue with priority subscribers and server breakdowns,Journal of Systems Science and Complexity, 21(2): pp. 304-315, 2008. (SCI-10)
85.Wang Jinting,Jun Cai and A.S. Alfa. New channel model for wireless communications: Finite-State Phase-Type Semi-Markov channel model,Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Communication (ICC 2008),pp. 4461-4465. 2008.
86.Wang Jintingand Jiang-hua Li. A repairable M/G/1 retrial queue with Bernoulli vacation and two-phase service,Quality Technology and Quantitative ManagementVol.5, no.2, 179-192, 2008.
87.Wang Jinting, Bin Liu and Jiang-hua Li. Transient analysis of an M/G/1 retrial queue subject to disasters and server failures.European Journal of Operational Research,189(3): 1118-1132, 2008. (SCI-09)
88.Wang Jinting, Qing Zhao. Discrete-time Geo/G/1 retrial queue with general retrial times and starting failures,Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 45(7/8), 853-863. April 2007. (SCI-08)
89.Wang Jinting, Qing Zhao. A discrete-time Geo/G/1 retrial queue with starting failures and second optional service,Computers and Mathematics with Applications,53(1),115-127, 2007. (SCI-07)
90.Wang Jinting, Reliability analysis of M/G/1 queues with general retrial times and server breakdowns,Progress in Natural Science,16 (5): 464-473, 2006. (SCI-06)
91.Wang Jinting, Raj Srinivasan. Unreliable production-inventory model with hyper-exponential renewal demand processes,Applied Mathematics and Computation,Vol. 164, Issue.2,2005. (SCI-05)
92.Wang Jinting, An M/G/1 queue with second optional service and server breakdowns,Computers and Mathematics with Applications,Vol.47, Issue 10-11, pp. 1713-1723, 2004. (SCI-04)
93.Wang Jinting, Jinhua Cao and Bin Liu. Unreliable production-inventory system with superposition ofKPoisson demand arrival processes,Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica,Vol.26, No.1, 47-55, 2003.
94.Wang Jinting, Jinhua Cao, and Bin Liu. Analysis of a production-inventory system with Erlang demand arrival process,Journal of System Sciences and Complexity,Vol. 16, No.2, 184-190, 2003.
95.Liu Wen,Jinting Wang. A strong limit theorem on gambling systems,Journal of Multivariate Analysis,Vol.84, No.2, 262-273, 2003. (SCI-03)
96.Wang Jinting, Jinhua Cao. The limiting distribution of the residual discrete-time Markovian repairable systems,Operations Research Transactions,Vol.6, No.2, 27-35, 2002.
97.Wang Jinting, Jinhua Cao and Bin Liu. Unreliable production-inventory model with a two-phase Erlang demand arrival process,Computers and Mathematics with Applications,Vol. 43: 1-13, 2002. (SCI-02)
98.Wang Jinting, Jinhua Cao and Quan-lin Li. Reliability Analysis of the Retrial Queue with Server Breakdowns and Repairs.Queueing Systems,Vol. 38, pp. 363-380. 2001. (SCI-01)